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Your 2024 Election Assistant

The Election Assistant is currently unavailable. To ensure the accuracy of the tool and allow time for review, we are limiting the number of users during the beta testing period.

Why and how we built this

Spotlight PA is committed to supporting Pennsylvania voters with resources like candidate guides, voting guides, and coverage of critical election issues. Our 2024 Election Assistant is an experiment in using AI to answer thousands of unique reader questions that would otherwise be impossible for our team to address individually.

This tool searches published reporting by Spotlight PA’s journalists on the 2024 election as well as selected, trusted resources from the Pennsylvania Department of State to generate relevant answers. Some answers are pre-programmed, while others utilize a Large Language Model to write a response to match the query you have posed. This experiment may not always understand your question or be able to come up with an answer, especially if the question falls outside our areas of reporting. Read our Editor’s Note to learn more and visit our feedback form to tell us about your experience.

Visit the election center

Key dates, candidate guides, how to vote, and more