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WATCH: What Pennsylvania’s new $47.6 billion budget means for you

by Spotlight PA Staff |

The exterior of the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg.
Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PA

HARRISBURG — Lawmakers have finalized Pennsylvania’s new $47.6 billion budget — and no one is completely happy.

Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro didn’t get recreational marijuana or a tax on skill games; legislative Democrats didn’t get a minimum wage increase; and legislative Republicans didn’t get tax cuts.

Still, plenty made it into the final plan. It increases K-12 education spending, sends $500 million to the state’s poorest schools, funnels new dollars into economic development, and creates a new college scholarship program.

For more insight on the spending plan, Spotlight PA’s Capitol reporter Stephen Caruso is hosting a live panel.

Spotlight PA held a free panel discussion on the major components of the budget, the politics that shaped the deal, and what was left on the cutting room floor.

Our panelists were:

  • Stephen Caruso, Capitol reporter, Spotlight PA

  • Kristina Moon, senior attorney, Education Law Center

  • Mustafa Rashed, president & CEO, Bellevue Strategies

  • Stan Saylor, former House GOP appropriations chair

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