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PSU trustee scolded over ‘Paterno Field’ proposal

Board leadership accused Trustee Anthony Lubrano of making ‘public spectacle’ in his push to rename the football field after the former coach.

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Old Main on Penn State's campus in State College, Pennsylvania.
Abby Drey / Centre Daily Times

Leaders of Penn State’s Board of Trustees recently admonished fellow Trustee Anthony Lubrano for creating a “public spectacle” and sharing “confidential information” related to his proposal to name the university’s football field after Joe Paterno.

Board chair Matthew Schuyler and vice chair David Kleppinger suggested Lubrano should have instead raised the matter for discussion and deliberation during a private executive session — an action that likely would have run afoul of the state’s open meetings law.

The exchange again raises concerns about whether the Board of Trustees properly follows Pennsylvania’s open meetings law in conducting its business, Spotlight PA’s Wyatt Massey reports. Under state law, executive sessions can only be held to discuss pending or current litigation, legal investigations, academic standings, and employment or property negotiations.

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