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Top PSU lawyer to temporarily lead ethics office

The set up raises potential conflict of interest concerns.

October 16, 2023
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Georgianna Sutherland / For Spotlight PA

Penn State’s recent appointment of a new general counsel gives the same person temporary oversight of the university’s legal division and its ethics and compliance office, a setup that may create a potential conflict of interest.

Tabitha Oman, the university’s chief ethics officer since March 2022, started as vice president and general counsel on Aug. 21. In its news release announcing the decision, Penn State said Oman would continue leading the university’s ethics office until a replacement is hired.

There are differing opinions within the compliance industry on whether having the legal and compliance roles overlap creates problems, Spotlight PA’s Wyatt Massey reports. While some argue the structure saves money and improves communication, others say the two positions can have competing interests — one protecting the organization by limiting liability, and the other taking action on potential problems, which could involve notifying outside groups.

Defending its decision, the university noted that Oman will not permanently hold dual roles. In an email to Spotlight PA, a university spokesperson wrote: “This is a temporary measure and we ask that you not draw conclusions or speculate when this arrangement covers a temporary time period.”

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